Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Mors to Montlhery

Every two years the wonderful Montlhery motor circuit situated just South of Paris is opened for the type of vehicle which would have used the track during it's golden years of the 1920's. 

For the 2013 event we were asked to recommission the 1907 Mors which is powered by a 1916 Curtiss aircraft engine of 8.2 litre capacity. This rather involved task included, amongst others, remaking the mid-mounted radiator.

Other important work included the addition of sharks teeth!
And a little test driving, before departing for the ferry to France.

Spark plug change outside Versailles.

And two glorious days spent circulating this historic track.

1 comment:

Robin. said...

Such a brilliant car. A few laps of Montlhéry rate high in driving experiences!

Watch the video.